Neuroqueering Your Creative Practice
This course is an introduction to a variety of ‘neuroqueering’ practices, geared towards artists and creatives. Session topics arise from the facilitators' personal and professional interests and experience and may change from intake to intake.

About the Course:
12 Weekly Sessions (+ 3 weekly optional drop-in hours)
Co-facilitated by KR Moorhead, Marta Rose and Meg Max
Neuroqueer (v): the practice of queering (subverting, defying, disrupting, liberating oneself from) neuronormativity and heteronormativity simultaneously
This course is an introduction to a variety of ‘neuroqueering’ practices, geared towards artists and creatives. As a community, we will deconstruct capitalist/colonialist concepts of time, work, productivity, shame, ‘executive function’, giving and receiving feedback, and more, while simultaneously constructing new systems, languages, narratives, and ways of being/creating that subvert, defy, disrupt, and liberate us from neuronormativity and heteronormativity.
Sessions will feature a mix of facilitator presentation, practical and reflective writing & art-making invitations, and opportunities for group discussion. No attendees will ever be pressured to speak or share.
We offer a maximum of 100 places per intake - but are aware this is a large group. Each weekly session will be presented to the full group, but attendees will be placed in much smaller groups for discussions. Additionally, each facilitator will offer an extra one hour drop-in session per week, which will be centred around small group processing and reflection on the week's topic. Attendees are also encouraged to join the NQ Discord for connecting, communicating and creating in community.
Session topics are drawn from the facilitators' (evershifting) personal and professional interests and will vary from intake to intake. See links to intake pages below for specific session details.
Sessions we have run in the past include: Introduction to Neuroqueering, Creating in Spiral Time, Consent and Relationship to Creative Work, Telling Your Truth, Design Thinking.
Meet the Facilitators:
KR Moorhead (they/them) is an AuDHD, gender non-compliant educator, and author of The First Law of Motion (2009). From 2009-2023 they taught creative writing at the University of East Anglia where they earned an MA in Creative Writing: Prose Fiction in 2007. KR also has a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education Practice and Research, both from UEA.
Since choosing to pursue freelance mentoring and facilitating, KR has launched FLUX: Trans* Writers Circle, as well as a Crash Course in Writing While Neurodivergent. They have facilitated for Writers in Bloom, Beyond Form Creative Writing, Devotion Workshop, Norwich School of Creative Writing, and Oxbridge Academic Courses. They currently teach a number of courses for City Lit, and on the Creative Writing MA at The University of Hull.
Originally from Philadelphia, KR now lives in Norwich, UK with their partner and three cats.
Marta Rose is a queer AuDHD writer and artist. Her work offers critical insights and healing metaphors for reframing the ways we understand neurodivergence. She founded and directs Divergent Design Studios, an online community offering body doubling, workshops, and peer support for neurodivergent creatives. She writes a weekly(ish) substack newsletter called The Spiral Lab, and has published several ebooks, including Neuroemergent Time: Making Time Make Sense for ADHD and Autistic People and Getting Started is the Hardest Part. Her work has been cited by Dr. Devon Price in Unmasking Autism, by Rebecca Schiller in A Thousand Ways to Pay Attention, and by Jesse Meadows in the Sluggish newsletter, among others. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Warren Wilson College. She has two grown neurodivergent children and lives in Philadelphia, on the land of the Lenni Lenape people, with her partner.
Meg Max is a queer, neurodivergent, mentally ill writer, artist and mother. She’s way more fun than that first sentence makes her sound. Her fiction has been published online and in print throughout North America, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has a certificate in therapeutic arts from the Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy, and alongside founding Writers in Bloom, has facilitated with various schools, organizations and artists through Canada, the UK and the US. For a good time, Meg takes long walks where she gathers treasures to make art out of found or recycled materials. Meg lives on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people, with her husband, kiddo, two dogs and three vacuums.
Ticket Pricing & Info
Tickets are available at one low price point to make the course accessible to the most people. Discounted Early Bird Tickets will be available for one week. Monthly payment plans are available for both Early Bird and General Admission Tickets. To be the first to hear when Early Bird Tickets go on sale, and to get updates in session descriptions, make sure you Register Your Interest.
General Admission Tickets: £199 (or pay in 4, 5, or 6 monthly installments)
Attendees have the option of booking a 1:1 mentoring session with the facilitators, to take place after the structured sessions end. This includes a 60-minute tutorial to discuss your creative process, practice and/or projects.
Mentoring Tickets: £50
*mentoring tickets must be paid for in full
Refunds and Cancellations:
Ticket refunds and payment plan cancellations can be made up to 7 days before the start of the course. After this, no refunds or cancellations can be made. If you have questions or concerns about this, please contact krmoorhead.lit@gmail.com before booking.
We reserve the right to cancel the course if we do not meet a minimum number of registrants. In this instance, ticket holders will be refunded the cost of their ticket minus any payment provider fees.
Upcoming Intakes
Payment Plans
NQYCP March 4 Months
49.75£Every monthValid for 4 monthsNQYCP March 5 Months
39.80£Every monthValid for 5 monthsNQYCP March 6 Months
33.17£Every monthValid for 6 months
Who is this course for?
Anyone who writes or makes art (or would like to). No previous knowledge or experience required.
Do I need to identify as Neurodivergent or Queer in order to join?
Nope! “One can neuroqueer, and one can be neuroqueer. A neuroqueer individual is any individual whose identity, selfhood, gender performance, and/or neurocognitive style have in some way been shaped by their engagement in practices of neuroqueering, regardless of what gender, sexual orientation, or style of neurocognitive functioning they may have been born with.” (Walker, N.)
How big is the group?
We offer a maximum of 100 places - but are aware this is a large group. Each weekly session will be presented to the full group, but attendees will be placed in much smaller groups for discussions. Additionally, each facilitator will offer an extra one hour drop-in session per week, which will be centred around small group processing and reflection on the week's topic. Attendees are also encouraged to join the NQ Discord for connecting, communicating and creating in community.
Will I be expected to 'produce' anything?
Although creative, reflective, and generative invitations will be shared, nothing is mandatory or expected and no one will ever be 'called on' or shamed for not engaging with a particular element of the session.
Will I be expected to share my creative work?
Although there will be opportunities to share work, this is not expected or required, or even necessarily encouraged except in specific spaces.
Will I be expected to be on camera or speak on the mic?
Members are free to engage on camera/mic or 'lurk' off camera as they feel, in any given session. No one will ever be put on the spot or asked to speak or engage unless they have volunteered.
What is included in the ticket price?
Access to twelve live, structured sessions via Zoom, which will consist of discussions, presentations, guided reflection, writing invitations, and art-making.
Access to three, weekly, optional drop-in hours, hosted individually by each facilitator. These sessions serve as a small group space in which to process, reflect, and question that week's topic. May also include creative invitations.
Access to all session recordings, invitations, & slides, as well as relevant further reading materials, throughout the course and in perpetuity.
Access to a Google Classroom space where all materials will be hosted and group members are able to interact with each other and the facilitators, throughout the course and in perpetuity.
Access to the Neuroqueerdos Discord server - an active community space made up of attendees of previous NQYCP intakes.
Free and continuous access to all of KR's Writing Sprint sessions (Mondays 5-6pm & Thursdays 10-11am GMT) from the start of the course.
1:1 feedback and discussion of your creative practice, process or projects is not included in the ticket price, but can be booked as an add-on.
“Right now I think the biggest impact has been on my relationship to time and perfectionism. I feel myself feeling more easeful about my timeline for creative work and like I have more permission to create without having to appease others in a normative way.”
“I am more aware of my needs and of ways how I can adapt my practice to meet them…I loved how low the barriers to entry were and how I was able to participate even on "off" days.”
“The one biggest way (this course has neuroqueered my creative practice) is by normalising neuroqueer ways and giving me permission to play outside the system and out of the dominant mainstream culture especially with creative work…I’d say a lot of what was shared was pathbreaking and is not spoken about, shared or taught elsewhere. I liked that we were allowed to come as who we are - no pressure on homework or participation and that we were welcome, irrespective.”
“Yes, doing this course has been the final steps in healing from being on hiatus from my writing. I was glad to do it with others. I look forward to writing again in the coming year…Please do it again! It's helped me so much!”
“...It's been more about permission and pushing back against internalized rules about publishing and how I frame my creativity for myself…Using it to unmask and support myself when I show up in ways that aren't standard. One thing I've noticed: when I encounter a new idea about how to write or … "do" creativity I now stop and ask myself, "Is this designed for Allistics?" and most often the answer is yes and that is SUPER helpful because I now have a new frame for it. I think this will offset self-blame because now it makes sense why that approach doesn't or might not end up working for me…Totally unexpected and out of nowhere, when I left the Zoom room after our last class I burst into tears. I had no idea the class impacted me so deeply, especially considering I wasn't able to attend most sessions live and had to watch the recordings a week later. I don't think this has ever happened to me before. I think this was due to the safety I felt, the sense of community we built, as well as the mind-shifting information and authentic conversations. Thank you for that! :)”
“I really loved the workshop aspects of the course, that prompted me to reconsider my relationship with my own work. I think this course has opened me towards a greater acceptance of doing it my way, while also learning a lot for others sharing their work approaches. I loved that the course started with an overview of neuroqueering, which also included aspects of anti-colonial work, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, etc…It's always hard to fully get into these workshop aspects during class, I feel that I often more scratch the surface there, and so having the slides and videos is huge; because it now allows me to re-do the most important aspects of these workshop with myself and extending the time I need to fill them in, while still having access to the class discussions that came up around them…This course has been a beautiful opening towards the unknown sides of my creative practice and a wonderful community to gather with; I loved that it was over such a long time, as it really built the community I feel, and gave us a chance to get to better know each other.”
“I feel much more open, curious, and inspired about my creative practice! And feel more trust in my Neuroqueer self ^•^...This course reinvigorated my spirit and bodymind. It helped me understand myself and past more deeply, recharged my present self, and excited me about my future. It also introduced me to many electrically smart and creative people; how wonderfully brain tingly good it feels to be in a Neuroqueer space! Thank you for making and holding that space for us!”
“Very validating to be around people trying to do things in a way that works for them and embracing their nq-ness…Thank you to the three of you - I really got a lot out of it and your way of welcoming everyone to participate in a way that worked for them was fantastic. You are all warm and welcoming and approachable and encouraging. Thank you.”
“I started a personal project at the beginning of this course. I’ve always wanted to create a story and illustrate it into a little comic. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and I’ve actually now made a dent in it. I’ve used mise en place, spiral time thoughts, disrupting shame thoughts and the additional body doubling sessions from KR to help me produce art that would have otherwise still been in my head 😅”
“...The delivery, each of the tutors, as well as the general vibe was so neuroqueery that the experience as a whole has been profoundly affirming and delightful, as well as bringing up deep grief at how constrained we've been, followed again by potent affirmation of our wild and creative spirits…Thank you for creating it!”
“It has helped me re-frame ways of being, knowing and functioning that I previously viewed with shame. It has helped to know there are so many other people like me, struggling with similar difficulties. It has helped me realise some 'choices' I made and some ways of approaching creative work were actually quite radical - I had made these choices more intuitively, and the course helped me see how some of them were challenging existing normative structures.”
“i have words for things i intuitively did but didn't take seriously enough (validation!). i feel that i can approach my own gut feelings in a more focused, directed, and intentional way. i also often felt like i was part of a larger community that gives me immense joy…i appreciated it so much, all of it. i particularly enjoyed KR's classes, but all were great, even when the topic didn't feel that important for me personally at the moment. engaging in the chat was such a joy (hilarious! touching! enlightening! what deep deep ocean of knowledge we all have, eager to share!). the open mic made me feel all kinds of good things. it made me miss being in an environment of education again, only to then immediately think, "yeah, but only an environment like this, with these kinds of people." i got a lot out of it, and hope to attend future classes. you all did a wonderful job with this, thank you.”
“...It has given me permission to allow (my creative practice) to grow out of what feels good and works from an inside-out way, minimizing shame around how I work and what I am "supposed to" produce. Even having the word has proven useful to give myself a definition as to how I can frame my actions, and this is true in the different aspects of my life beyond creativity - NQing parenting, NQing work, NQing relationships, etc.”
“It made me reflect on a lot of things and I met lovely neuroqueerdoes, but the best part for me was loosening up my creative practice and allowing things to flow more, erratically and freely. It softened shame and felt affirming, which was probably the reason I was drawn to this in the first place.”